
Video for Market Research

If you are truly passionate about your research, you want to share the actual experience. Everyfinder is your resource for making this happen.

Distilling the story from a series of interviews down to a manageable presentation is a challenge that we understand. Because we actually sit down and comb through the hours of video for you, meticulously finding the best possible moments that relate the story that we heard together. You provide the insights; we back them up with quotes. Putting a real consumer face to face with skepticism suddenly illuminates shared convictions.

Your job is to find things out; our job is to find the video you need to present your insights.

Everyfinder provides professional video in any facility or location, everywhere you go. We are independent of the facilities you use to recruit and work, so we can give you the same video quality from one city to the next. Even though we are market research professionals who shoot and edit video rather than video guys who shoot anything, we still provide top-notch video quality at whatever level you wish to use. Everyfinder video is video you can use, not some overhead camera stuff on a grainy, fuzzy DVD. And the advantage of using the same microphones from one facility to the next will result in audio that's always consistent and clear.

Since we are market research video professionals, you can use our skills to help edit and create video for your presentations, knowing that we have years of experience in crafting reports. We start from the perspective of your marketing findings and watch what we shoot with an eye to editing it for you. This sets Everyfinder apart from the typical facility video services, which are either incidental, or primarily video professionals who only pay attention to getting the shot.

Everyfinder has over ten years of experience at the highest levels of market research, working for companies like Kohl's, Nestle-Purina, Anheuser-Busch, Polo Ralph Lauren, Papa John's Pizza, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, and many others. We work well with all kinds of moderators and in all kinds of facilities. We are very experienced at ethnographies and in-home interviews, including remote camera work. We go where you go and document what you see.

Call or email Tony Patti today for a quote or more information about what we can do to make your presentation better. 314 406 8867.